Grandma’s House is an Alief ISD Innovation Education Partner.
Children who live in the Alief ISD, Alief school district, and qualify for the public Pre-Kindergarten programs may attend Grandma’s House instead of one of the local elementary schools. There are several advantages to your family of this option including the ability to enroll for care before the 7:50 AM start time and after the 11:30 AM end time. Additionally, if you have other family members that attend Grandma’s House in younger or older age groups, this makes the daily school drop-off/pick up process much easier as everyone is in one location.
Below are the rules established by Alief as to who qualifies for the free half day Pre-Kindergarten. The initial registration must take place at the Alief Early Child Care Center. The decision as to whether you qualify is made entirely by Alief ISD. Children who qualify because of a deficiency in the English language must attend one of the Alief ISD elementary schools because they have the experts in teaching English as a second language. If you qualify under any of the other reasons, you would simply inform them that you prefer for your child to attend Grandma’s House instead of the one of the local elementary schools.
For more information visit: Alief ISD
Alief ISD Pre-Kindergarten Partnership Program Details
We are excited to announce that our partnership with Alief ISD to provide Pre-Kindergarten classes is now in its third year. Families who are seeking to attend the day Alief ISD Pre-Kindergarten classes will now register at the Alief Early Childhood Center. During the annual August enrollment period, parents should visit the elementary school to which they are zoned.
Children attending our Pre-K program wear a basic uniform consisting of Khaki bottoms (pants, shorts, or skirts) and Hunter Green tops.

Alief ISD staff will determine whether you qualify for the Pre-K program based on the State defined rules which include:
- is unable to speak and comprehend the English language; or
- is educationally disadvantaged; or
- is homeless, as defined by 42 U.S.C. Section 1143a,
- is the child of an active duty member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserve component of the armed forces, who is ordered to active duty by proper authority; or
- is the child of a member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserve component of the armed forces, who was injured or killed while serving on active duty;
- is or ever has been in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services (foster care).
When you apply to enroll, you will need to indicate that you would like to attend Grandma’s House Child Care.
The Alief-ISD Pre-K program is officially from 7:45 AM-3:30 PM, Monday-Friday. There are strict attendance rules and families will lose their eligibility after a stated number of absences or tardies.
Families that need care before 7:45 AM or after 3:30 PM will have to separately contract with Grandma’s House for such care.

Tuition and Attendance Policy
Children who attend Grandma’s House through the Alief ISD partnership do not pay Registration or Supply Fees. Additionally, children who attend through the Alief ISD Pre-K program do not pay tuition for the school day period which runs from 7:50 AM until 11:20 AM. If you need care before or after these Alief times, then an incremental tuition is due from the parents.
All families that are attending at Grandma’s House will have to also complete our paperwork so that we remain compliant with Child Care Licensing requirements. This includes families that are only attending during the stated Alief ISD times.