Childcare Curriculum For All Ages
Children must be given the opportunity to form a positive self-concept and develop at a challenging, stimulating, and realistic pace. West Oaks Private Pre-School and Grandma’s House Child Care offer your child a place with the finest, brightest environment with the latest in educational toys and equipment. This atmosphere, combined with the well-designed programs for each age group, creates a superb school for your child to learn, play and grow.
Frog Street Press is a child development-based learning curriculum that teaches these important skills in both large and small group settings.

Childcare Curriculum For All Ages
Children must be given the opportunity to form a positive self-concept and develop at a challenging, stimulating, and realistic pace. Grandma’s House offers your child a place with the finest, brightest environment with the latest in educational toys and equipment. This atmosphere, combined with the well-designed programs for each age group, creates a superb school for your child to learn, play and grow.
Frog Street Press is a child development-based learning curriculum that teaches these important skills in both large and small group settings.
Our younger children work on beginning math skills such as sorting, patterns, shape recognition, numbers, counting, and one-to-one correspondence. We even have cooking and garden activities to help teach measurement.
Children use various types of blocks and maps to learn balance and enhance their fine motor skills.
The children use physical objects in the hands-on learning of mathematics. The use of manipulatives make learning math interesting and enjoyable. The children may use colorful and interestingly shaped blocks, plastic animals, or simple grains of rice to teach or reinforce a math concept.
Dramatic Play:
Dramatic play encourages children to try to put themselves in someone else’s shoes. This might include dressing up as a police officer, a doctor or a construction worker and acting out what they perceive to be their societal roles. They learn important social skills such as listening and empathy Dramatic play teaches and promotes expressive language as children act out these roles when playing with one another. Children are inspired to communicate their wishes to their peers and therefore, must learn to speak from the perspective of their pretend roles.
Each classroom has an area with books, stories on tape, and puppets so that children will be introduced to beginning reading skills.
Language, Phonics, and Handwriting:
We begin to teach language skills in our nursery programs and we will continually build upon these skills as your child ages by using flash cards, alphabet songs and by using the environment around them. The primary focus of phonics instruction is to help beginning readers understand how letters are linked to sounds to form letter-sound correspondences and spelling patterns and to help them learn how to apply this knowledge in their reading. We have listening centers in the Pre-School and Pre-K classrooms to help build their phonics knowledge as children listen to stories and follow along in books. We also have handwriting centers in the Pre-School and Pre-K classrooms which help pull together all of these language concepts to have your children well prepared for Kindergarten.
Each classroom plays different types of music throughout the day so children hear classical, silly songs, Kenny Loggins and lullabies just to name a few. In addition songs are used daily to reinforce learning from our curriculum.
Science and Sensory:
Your child will use hands on materials such as magnets, rocks, skeletons, insects, shells, and other items found in nature to learn self help skills and also beginning science theories. Your child will also have the opportunity to explore a variety of materials to enhance their senses such as sand, playdough, water, salt, shaving cream and slime.
Your child will use many different mediums such as paper, glue, scissors, paint, collage materials, and crayons freely in order to have a chance for self expression.