Infant Program
Our Grandma’s House Child Care infant daycare program is for babies from the age of 6 weeks through 18 months of age. Our first classroom (Nursery I) is generally for babies from 6 weeks to approximately 12 months and our next nursery program is for babies from 12 months to approximately 18 months. We take into consideration each individual child’s developmental progress before transitioning from class to class so the transitions to Nursery II may occur a few months earlier or post their 1st birthday.
Nursery Curriculum
Our Grandma’s House Child Care nursery classes are all about learning and skill development. Our teachers devise age/skill-appropriate activities and experiences based on developmental checklists and our center-wide weekly theme. Sensory and motor skill experiences play a large role in learning in this age group. Through play, we encourage skill development and independence in eating and walking as we guide your infant to their toddler years.
We provide stimulating, simple floor-based activities as children learn to lift and turn their heads, roll over, sit up, and crawl. Once crawling, they are challenged by a variety of soft play structures, softballs and toys, and tools to assist with taking the first steps towards walking.
Once children are able to sit up at the feeding table their curiosity is constantly challenged by sensory activities such as shaving cream, musical puzzles, and soft books. In addition, the teachers are constantly singing and clapping to help develop all of the age-appropriate sensory challenges.
As part of maintaining the highest possible Texas Rising Star Certification level, we operate at significantly lower ratios in our infant classrooms than required by Child Care Licensing. Our ratios are 4:1 for children under 12 months and 5:1 for children from 12-18 months.
The infant classrooms have their own, artificial grass-covered playground with riding toys and playhouses to help with gross motor skill development. Both nursery classrooms border the front lobby and have huge viewing windows that allow for constant, all-day monitoring by the Directors and parents alike.